View customer data from Salesforce Lightning inside a Freshservice Ticket

Access customer data from Salesforce Lightning directly within Freshservice tickets. This integration helps your support team handle inquiries faster and more efficiently, keeping everything they need in one place.

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Why SaaS22?

Why Integrating Salesforce with Freshservice Boosts Support Efficiency

Integrating Salesforce with Freshservice offers several advantages:

  • Easily create and update tickets within Salesforce while adding important notes.
  • View key Salesforce information such as Contacts, Leads, Accounts, and Opportunities directly from the ticket widget in Freshservice.

Why SaaS22?

^1% Top Solutions
Hand-picked recommendations because your business deserves only the best.
100% Pre-vetted Partners
Save time and de-risk deployments with pre-qualified vendors.
360° Hand-holding
High-quality expertise and personalised support through your journey.
∞ Perks, events and merch
Exclusive access to events, discounts, beta products, resources and merch.
Custom integration that brings Salesforce Lightning data into Freshservice tickets.
Step-by-step documentation and training to ensure your team is ready to use the new features.
Smooth handover of maintenance responsibilities so you can manage everything with confidence.
How it works
Understand your needs

We assess your support team’s workflow to design an integration that fits seamlessly.

Kickoff and implementation

We begin the project with a part payment, and you can monitor the progress in a dedicated project space.

Delivery and testing

We ensure the integration is fully functional and hand it over after thorough testing. Final payment is processed securely.

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We're here to help!

We look forward to working with you on your custom implementation. All we need is a few details and we'll be right with you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What systems do I need?

You’ll need access to both Salesforce Lightning and Freshservice with admin permissions.

How does this integration improve support?

By showing Salesforce data within Freshservice, your team can resolve tickets faster without switching platforms.

Is the integration secure?

Absolutely. We follow strict data security protocols and ensure compliance.

How long will it take?

The setup usually takes 5 to 7 business days, depending on your system’s complexity.